Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Sentence Game

So one of my new favorite websites is

Probably one of the best ways to procrastinate. It's easy to join & play.
If you click on play you'll get one of two things:

1. You get a picture, create a good sentence that describes the picture.
Something like, Mr. President, now is not the time to be playing with legos
instead of, the secret service man is standing by the seated president and the president has legos in his hands.

2. And more likely you'll get a sentence. In MS Paint try to illustrate the sentence as best you can. Requirements include that you use no words, it has to be 450x450, and you have one hour to submit it. Sometimes the sentences are really hard or really long and detailed, try to go for a picture that captures either the main idea or the majority of the ideas in the sentence.

So the next person in the game will see your picture and they'll write a sentence. This exchange, similar to telephone, goes on eight times. At the end you get to see the first sentence and how it changed over eight turns. If everyone does what they're supposed to, it turns out really funny. You can also rate pictures or sentences that are really good.
You might also notice that there are some really good illustrators on this website, or at least I think so. In particular try searching for submissions from users:
and of course mine, kimbrey

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